XIE XIE packaging
XIE XIE international, Taïpei
XIE XIE packaging

XIE XIE packaging marks the desire to offer an innovative identity in an environment saturated by many similar concepts. The design combines a high-quality product (a natural tea hand-picked in the high mountains of Taiwan) with a universe, that of books and libraries, promoting the notions of culture, intimacy and well-being. This proposal also makes it possible to set up the different times of the day which will be associated with each product in the tea range.

The object design is based on the codes specific to the book format: cover, back cover, opening with a form of binding. Exploring the packaging gives the feeling of stepping into a story, while its vertical presentation on shelves allows it to be distinguished from traditional food products.

XIE XIE international, Taïpei

Study, industrial design, graphics, manufacturing monitoring

Graphic design
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